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Old June 15th, 2014, 13:31   #7
cav.'s Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Etobicoke, Ontario
I brought back M4 GBB mags and a M92F slide and did not run into any problems. Did not want to declare as it was not a firearm per-say. Perhaps I got lucky...I even asked the lady at the check in desk if I need to declare the items so the HK security can inspect it and she said no, even when I told her it looks identical to firearm parts and all.

But then again, it's so random when you leave the airport whether they check your stuff or not, especially when the checkouts now are from the machine. If they inspect your luggage best got the right paper work with you. Still think bringing a pistol back is risky, even if you take it apart.
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