I have the Maple Leaf 60degree...sheeeeit..I dont trust it tho! That inner mound is just...so different..Why do they include a flat hop curved nub with it? Ive read that it HAS to be used with it for the vest best in results...
Sometimes I hate living in the core of the city..i just wish I had a nice stretch of land/farm land to have some sort of comparison test...
Over the years i've accumulated all sorts of hop up units and buckings & nubs I have drawer full now..
Its a fucking gamble to go to a game now and just HOPE you're going to get that range you were getting before or at least an improvement. I've developed a complex now in airsoft that if my set up isn't performing like I want it to - or did - it just EATS at my brain!
Side note: I've made the jump from a Prometheus purple to a Systema Energy, I almost straight doo doo'd in my pants when I noticed the FPS increase..my previous builds have netted me in and around 390-403fps with an m120 & sorbo set..after the Systema Energy I jumped to 414fps with out the teflon wrap. Consistent as shit too.
I find the Systema Energy's are only marginally softer than a Prommy purple - but the inner mound is wider (more bb contact) which me likey.
Last edited by Rabbit; May 17th, 2014 at 11:36..