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Old April 22nd, 2014, 14:48   #40
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
I got a response back, regarding EOTechs for airsoft (to fill the low priced gap that replicas are taking):

We can’t license airsoft because many gun show gypsies and low end on line stores advertise these as acceptable substitutes. When sold at gun shows they get pawned off as the real deal to young soldiers who do not know better. I know of one KIA where a non working fake was on the weapon at the time of enemy engagement. Unlike airsoft guns which are licensed by the mfg because of the cool factor and that they cannot be used in real application pose no real threat to end users mistaking the product for the real thing. Except for LE officers thinking airsoft guns are real if represented or presented incorrectly by the person who has it!
Seems they're more concerned about incorrect use and scammers. I guess that if you produce something that can just be mounted on a milspec rail - as opposed to something like PTS stuff that fits on off-spec AEGs (and thus, can only be used for AEGs), it's harder to ensure your "for airsoft" products are only used for airsoft.

It makes sense. But I would imagine you can do something like change the EOTech logo a little bit on the optic (put a BB flying through it or something, so con men can't just paint over the logo to make it look like real steel), and put a warning "for airsoft use only" on the optic and in the paperwork or something.

Ah well. At least we can pretty safely call out any other companies claiming they're making "EOTech licensed" airsoft optics. EOTech knock offs aren't going to go away, but at least we can call out people blatantly lying about it.
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