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Old April 22nd, 2014, 12:01   #39
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
This EOTech rep emails back fast. It's also interesting that their firewall is blocking the tf141 website, haha.

I've asked if they've considered doing a lower quality model EOTech targeted for airsofters. Kind of like how Magpul worked with PTS to get Magpul accessories for airsoft. (if I remember my history correct?)
However, he replied to that email, but didn't address that. I don't know if I'll get another response.

Biorage: I gave my phone number, but told him it was Canada, and asked if it was worth calling Canada. He said "not really".

scottyfox: The rep I was talking with (Mike), determined "This site is in Hong Kong with sights coming in from Red China."
Thanks for the details, quite interesting. Seems they don't give a fuck unless it's regarding their products being replicated in the U.S.A, and being sold from there. Else they are all safe. Could explain why Evike and GI don't sell reps now.

Good ol' asia and canadian retailers though can still prosper
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