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Old April 3rd, 2014, 16:15   #17
Treelinesniper's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
Hello GP airsofters,
Me and my team live in Yellowknife N.W.T, our group has been slowing growing here since 2010 thanks to frozentex and philkansebben recruiting drive to grow our community up here. Please check out greatwhitenorth thread on ASC for reference to our group. We are currently looking for a permanent field to advertise our group in town. Hopefully. This season or next season thanks to devolution passing here in the north easilly accessable land from town will open up for us to do so. If any northern players are in the area, or planning on moving here please PM me for information on games, or access to our facebook group.

We consistently play games every Sunday in the spring/summer and fall. Depending on temprature in spring & fall. Our consistent turn out is anywhere from 4 to 16, and is growing rapidly each year. So we look forward to any players looking to experience airsofting in our northern wilderness. Any teams looking to come up can PM me and our group will try to organize a more structure game on times that work for all party's involved. Please check our greatwhitenorth thread for updates on our games and turn outs. I hope this information couple be helpfully to anyone looking for more from.the northern airsofting community.
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