Originally Posted by jjkfeng
Does the hammer charge after the first shot?
Mostly, no, not with the slide on.
Your gun doesn't vent out after the first pull?
What does that mean?
Your still getting some slide action but no trigger response after the first pull?
Mostly, no trigger response after the first pull, a few times/occasionally though, it works for 2-3 pulls.
My guess is his trigger bar is probably riding over that little tab on the sear instead of pushing it to get the sear to release the hammer.
IT SEEMS LIKE THIS! Exactly this! How fix?
Hey man I fixed your gun. The main problem with your gun is because of the trigger lever. I understand why you indicated that when you pull on the trigger after the first shot, nothing happens. When I casually assessed your gun with your slide removed, the trigger bar was stiff and wasn't sliding properly. Pulling on the trigger did not release the hammer. This led me to believe that your trigger bar was the culprit. It turns out that the corner of the trigger bar that engages the sear to release the hammer is too short. As such, the corner part was actually rubbing against the side of the sear and along the frame which was the resistance I encountered earlier. Sometimes if you are lucky, the trigger bar may engage the sear, but most often, this did not happen. This is why when you pull the trigger, the hammer is not released. Here is a picture comparing my trigger bar vs yours, notice the discrepancy:
Anyways, I installed a new Guarder steel trigger bar, and this is how your gun performs now:
Fixed Customer's Glock - YouTube
Originally Posted by Animalmother
has anyone ever shut off the blow back action?
If you remove the black back action, you wont be able to chamber the next round. You can do this by removing the floating valve/spring in the air nozzle and watch all the gas (and chambered bb) vent out after you pull the trigger.
HOWEVER, you can reduce the time the gas valve is opened to increase gas efficiency by modding your BBU. However, you run the risk of your slide not locking back or cycling far enough to chamber the next round.