Long time no post...
MG is still going strong, life has just been different with less time to post. Some of this I did a while ago, but it's worth sharing.
I never did like how when you have a box mag feed system installed, the tab on the magwell slot for the stanag mags pushes the dummy bullet belt up, it looks odd in my opinion, so I wanted to change that. As such, I cut most of the tab off so it no longer sits in the way. There is enough left to still use it as a mag release, but the effect is much cleaner.
I also modified my box mags so that the bullet belt can 'slip' on/off a dummy 5.56 round. These have holes drilled and tapped into them, then bolted into the box mag. On my nutsack mag, I relocated the motor wire and connector so it comes straight up out of the box instead of being fed through a spring wire shroud on the left. This cleans up things quite a bit and I may do this to my larger 200rd boxes as well. This involved a bit of filling/sanding/painting. Lastly, painted the tips of the dummy rounds green to replicate M855 ball ammo, although after a couple years it needs to be repainted as its mostly been worn off. The bb feed tube was also relocated to sit below the fake bullet belt for better aesthetics and reliability, and the cheap factory screws that hold the top to the bottom of the box and clamp the fabric in place were replaced with M5 screws/nuts with the nuts JB welded to the inside of the box mag. Similar modifications were made to the bottom of the mag, with the factory screws replaced with M2 screws and M2 threaded inserts as the factory screws had stripped the plastic after only a few times being removed/reinstalled.
Later in 2021, I R hopped the barrel using an Elvish Tac pre-cut patch and spacer. Works great and I'm very happy with the results.
Otherwise it's been mostly maintenance and wear replacement. Had one SHS motor die after years of use, one spring break due to high cycles. Box mag motors on two boxes died in 2023, and I can confirm that the Tamyia Atomic or Torque motors are basically a drop in replacement, while being what looks like much higher quality. The pinion gears they stock as well are a direct replacement as I ended up enlarging the bore of the pinion on my nutsack mag after years of use and presumably friction. These replacement motors have an RPM in the 12,000 - 15,000 range. If you want a higher or lower RPM to suit your specific build the Tamiya racing motors line has a wide range of RPM, and you can find that info online. Keep in mind that there is some gear reduction within the box mag, but I cannot speak to the ratios as I have not looked into it. I'll report back after some testing, but I expect each of these motors (I used one of each) will exceed my ROF of 19-20 RPS.
Pinion gears: