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Old February 14th, 2023, 06:24   #4
RainyEyes's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Scarbororororough
There are 16 teeth on the sector gear and 16 (minus one) positions for the teeth on the piston to account for the AOE. I don't believe there is any issue with the number of teeth because they are by design... Unless you intend to short stroke your gun.

In your last thread you mentioned that the piston head was seized... did you ever get that fixed? That WILL affect the ability for the gun to cycle. Sounds like the spring and/or the bearings are too thick and it's binding on them when it's at "95%" compression and pressing against them.

I'd just try swapping the piston head, then springs, etc. and doing measurements along the way to see what's working and what's not with each other.

Originally Posted by Xedilian View Post
I COULD try it with the stock spring just for fun, but it seems to me the piston goes back way too far, or is that normal?
In general, I think that it should be going all the way back for "maximum efficiency" e.g. you paid for this length of travel, that's how much you're gonna get especially with a non-ported cylinder.

You have a couple of options... each one less and less ideal. Switch to an SHS M90 spring (personally never had a problem with this spring but fps varies between 280 fps or 330). You could short stroke it. Or even cut down the SP110 spring one coil at a time until you achieve your desired results. etc.
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