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Old October 15th, 2022, 11:18   #1
Join Date: Oct 2022
Interested & New.


So I am looking at getting into airsoft possibly since I am a legal gun licensed gun owner (R-PAL) and I do enjoy things like laser tag as well, I figure that airsoft would in a sort of way combine the two and be fun.

I was under the impression that Bill C-21 was dead, but it seems it's been brought back.

Would it be wise or unwise to invest in airsoft at the current moment?

Besides that, there is a local "Free to play" outdoor field very close to me and I have already made contact with the owner, however, the downside is that it is bring your own equipment so there are no rentals, and that's only really a downside for right now, until I decide I am totally in and get my own equipment.

I would theoretically like to have a rifle and then a pistol.

Cost wise, maybe getting a pistol first would be better and then saving for a good rifle after?

I do know I'll need a mask for safety reasons.

Luckily I do live on a rural 5 acre property, so I can maybe even host my own games, even just one on one games with friends, though I'm not sure of the legality of that.

From what I know, I'd probably go with an electric rifle, and a CO2 or spring pistol.

But as someone who is pretty much a total newbie to this, is there anything I am missing or that you'd advise?
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