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Old February 26th, 2021, 17:51   #124
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: GTA
Facebook had started to prohibit all sorts of content with relationship to gun culture as well as many other things that do not fit their policies.

I'm not sure why airsofters are still using that dumpster to share and look for information. FB even blocks URLs to this forum.

Originally Posted by 666 View Post
In order to achieve any results this whole thing has to be well organized by people who already know what they are dealing with. Everyone needs to get together instead of acting on their own. Firearm community already tried to bombard government with emails and petitions. It dont work. We really tried. Now, hopefully we will have more people on board, people who support this non compliance movement. That's worse case result. Country wide peaceful non compliance was the only thing we were left with when it comes to real steel. Just peacefully refuse to surrender out stuff and see what government will do. CCFR came along and decided to fight for our rights.
Originally Posted by Metalsynth View Post
I don't speak often here but right now seems like a good time to get this ball going.

Where are you at in the rest of canada on legally registered associations and/or federations?

We have 3 legal bodies in Quebec right now.

Association des joueurs de paintball et airsoft du Quebec
Federations airsoft du quebec
Federation airsoft sportive du quebec

I am the vice president of the association.

If we ever want some sort of legal traction, we will need to get better organised than the way we are now as a country.

Let me be blunt, right now the situation in QC regarding the federations is really wonky and in my opinion not what we need right now.

The only viable option in my opinion is the ccfr to get this C-21 crap out of the way and get our shit together.

We are currently doing this very thing through our paintball counterpart but we need to also have airsoft on this ball.

So.... where are you at with this?

If you are interested in this option, reach me on fb so I can hook you up with the prez
Originally Posted by 666 View Post
I just went back to anti C-71 FB group to screen shot the post but it's gone now. Weird... Especially weird because head admin made that post.
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