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Old February 20th, 2021, 03:05   #75
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For those who support the Liberal party or their friends, it's generally because you consider yourself to be centre-left. But Erin O'Toole's new Conservative party platform is VERY centrist and even MORE progressive than Trudeau's liberals in some ways. O'Toole wants to end fossil fuel subsidies, for instance, which Trudeau would never do. I'll leave a list below of 'who said it, Trudeau or O'Toole?' platform points for you.
But if ever there was a time to promote a very viable alternative to an administration that wants to ban airsoft guns and has ahd 7 major ethics scandals in 4 months (it's like, almost a quarter of all the Canadian political scandals list on wikipedia dating back to 1800s), it is now.

• Launch a study to find ways to extend Employment Insurance coverage to the self-insured and others not covered today
• Make domestic / intimate partner violence an aggravating factor in the criminal code so that it carries a tougher sentence and impose a mandatory minimum of 5 years for aggravated assault of a domestic / intimate partner
• Expand the Canada Child Benefit by $500 per month per child for the first year and $250 per month, per child for the second year for women with children living in women’s shelters to help them transition to more long-term housing
• Create a fund to incentivize educational institutions and private sector organizations to partner with women’s shelters to provide career training for the women they serve
• Harnessing the enthusiasm of Canada’s outdoor community by helping to fund the capital costs of volunteer-led projects to restore wildlife habits, enhance wetlands and preserve biodiversity
• Providing innovation incentives for the development and deployment of technologies to simplify the provision of clean water in smaller and remote communities
• Avoids focus on carbon only, and instead is scoped to capture ALL greenhouse gases, many of which are more powerful than carbon dioxide;
• Focuses on making industry pay [for carbon tax] rather than taxing ordinary Canadians, by forging a national industrial regulatory and pricing regime across the country
• Ends fossil fuel subsidies, a form of corporate welfare

Link to his platform:

Go out and campaign! A decent door knocking campaign can shift the vote by 10% or more!

"He resisted. I asked him to comply."
"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."
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