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Old November 4th, 2013, 19:47   #1844
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by Wepeel View Post
What is your preferred hop up buckings for consistent groupings?

As I understand the Nine Ball is good for fps increase.
I've been experimenting with a lot lately, and my current favourite is a combination of the A+ hop up rubber, with the A+ Devil Strike Chamber, all held together with an ILLusion Kinetics hop up chamber. With the hop up at the minimum, it will sling a 0.28g BB laser straight and with very tight groupings out to 200+ feet.

It has the same FPS benefits as the Nine Ball, with better accuracy than the Firefly or PDI W-Hold. It's quite an ultimate combo. Combine it with a Tanio Koba Twist barrel, and I don't think you can get better, at this time.

Originally Posted by Rubi-tong View Post
Hi ILLusion, i have an Airsoft Surgeon Limcat perfect sight, i was using the TM hammer with the AS sear, ive just installed a steel hammer that came with a new steel sear and what looks like a 1911 style knocker!
The knocker i had installed origionally is a 5.1 style but it had to be filed down on the top surface to get it to work as it was stopping the magazines from being fully inserted. When i use a 1911 style knocker..i get gas seeping out as i insert a mag! As if its catching the mag release valves (origional TM valves). using the origional steel sear (1911 i think) that came with the AS slide/frame set as my new steel sear will not fit without drilling the hole bigger!
Any idea's about the knocker? I want to use the new steel one but its releasing gas when the mags in and only shoots if the slide is back BEFORE the mags inserted?
Regards, Mark

The AS knocker needs the leading corner ground down a bit to give it clearance to drop behind the magazine's flow valve. The first generation Airsoft Surgeon knockers all had this problem, as did the ILLusion Kinetics ones. It was a slight manufacturing flaw that was overlooked, unfortunately.

ILLusion Kinetics has since moved on to the second generation which has the angle ground in, but in some cases, some additional grinding may be needed if you're using higher pressured gasses, especially in warmer climates, or if you're using aftermarket flow valves that sit higher than the stock valves.

It's a high possibility that Airsoft Surgeon is still trying to dump first generation product, as they buy in very large quantities, unlike ILLusion Kinetics.

Last edited by ILLusion; November 4th, 2013 at 19:49..
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