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Old October 15th, 2013, 01:42   #56
formerly al3x_newton
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Calgary
I installed my first all custom r-hop with flat nub the other night in my completely stock G&G mp5 sd6 @ 380~ fps on .20's

Tested today with .28's and a 100' tape.

The gun was shooting decently before hand with the same weight and brand of bb's with an effective range around 160-170 feet. While the bb would fall to he ground around 180 feet.

Tests today with the r-hop had effective range out to 200-210 feet with the bb's falling to the ground around the 220 foot mark.

This was with the hop to the off position and very slightly over hopping the .28g bb's
I plan on getting some .30g or heavier rounds and testing again.

Keep in mind, this was my first attempt at this mod ever... I'm sure there are areas of it that I could improve on. Needless to say I am pretty pleased with the results. Shot to shot consistency was great, accuracy was great, and effective range was an eye opener. 200' with .28's out of an all stock mp5?! @ 380 fps !? I'm sold on the idea. My ptw only bested that by about 20' on .28's and that was @ 420 fps

Yes I'm sure that a pimped out setup with a nice normal hop setup could achieve the same or slightly better results. But bang for your buck, hands down this is it. Hell mine was free plus the time it took to install it.

My custom patch is a section cut out of an old TM gbb pistol bucking from my old 226. Same with the flat nub to match.
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