Swattiger, maybe you got a lemon or I got lucky with my 3 perfectly working WE GBBs.
I have:
Classic 1911: Paint job is crap, just like you said. Can be scratched off with a fingernail. Range is ok for a backup. Man sized target at around 20-25m, no problem. I had this gun for years, got it in 2007 or something like that so it's probably one of their first models but it still works...
P08: Got this one in 2013. Paint is holding fine, gun is "aging" itself just like any other GBB I handled. Fired 200-300 rounds through mine, pot metal internals are still holding, no full auto issues. Range is ok, 20-30m, gas capacity is ok, enough to fire off one mag on warm days which is perfectly acceptable for me. This version of P08 is easily obtainable unlike Tanaka and performs good as a back up during WW2 events/collecting purposes.
TT33: This is newest release. Hudson's clone that actually works. WE really stepped up their game with this one. Only 3 small pot metal parts I could find, aluminum body with steel/aluminum internals. Only parts with bad paint are barrel bushing, slide catch, trigger and butt of the mag but I cold blued those right away. For body they used some unusual black paint, can't say what exactly it is but it's strong as hell. Way stronger than what I had on my KJ M9 or KSC Glock with metal slide. Gun shoots at 350fps, kicks hard, has impressive range and gas capacity for a single stack. Hop up is not too consistent past 40m range. So yea, I wouldn't stay away from WE when it comes to WW2 guns and such unless I'm offered an alternative like TM or maybe KJ.