For a quick comparison, systema PTW's run at 16-18A at 400fps
"contact burning" (trigger arcing) is a symptom of high voltage, not high amperage. It's somewhat random what guns are prone to it, and it has nothing to do with how your gun is set up. It's the problem you have when you use a trigger designed in the 19th century, electricity arcs across contacts before the trigger has made physical contact, and that's what causes the burning. The higher voltage you run, the further away it arcs.
I've seen some 3s lipo guns run just fine without a mosfet, then I've seen them get burned up in just a few games, and I've seen them melt after just a few games.
I would say anything 9.6v or above should have a mosfet for sure.
Any gun with a battery under 2000mah should have a mosfet for battery efficiency
Any gun using C size NiMH cells or LiPo should have a mosfet to prevent the trigger block from melting
Last edited by ThunderCactus; July 13th, 2013 at 21:46..