There's ups and downs. Like any camo, the key to it working is to stay still.
After a while you get used to what to look for; "Hey look at that fluffy bush!"
Some do work REALLY well, and it's usually excellent at fooling most players
It does make you a much bigger distortion when you're moving though
And make sure you camo EVERYTHING.
You wouldn't believe how many times I've spotted a sniper because "Hey look, a bush with a rifle!" or "Hey look, that bush has a pair of black gloves!"
I would advise you get the cape or if you make your own, just ghillie your back half. Because honestly the full ghillie wrap is just entirely useless. Firstly, the preferred position is prone. Second, the ghillie is totally useless when you're standing up because you don't blend into anything and you look like a big swamp monster. And third, it REALLY gets in the way of any LBV you might have.