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Old June 1st, 2013, 07:37   #44
Troy T. Moore
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Saskatchewan
A few weeks back one of the guys here had the front end come off his V2 mechbox in his stock G&G MAX MP5 (spring was changed when he first got it and was shooting in the 400-410fps range). He had used it for the last 3 years and had around 60,000 rounds through it with no issues (We play a lot and we shoot a lot).

As the resident gun doc I reccommended the Lonex V2 mechbox because of my experience with their other upgrade parts (impressed for the most part) and because of on-line reviews. The mechbox is very very nice! Well made with tight tolerances. Thickened portion at the front along the top is substantial. I happily move the internals over (clean, reshim gears, regrease) from the broken G&G mechbox. So far, so good. Putting the mechbox back into the gun it does not fit... Well not with the fake bolt mechanism working the way it is suppossed to.

After an hour and a half of filing/sanding both the top of the mechbox and the flanges of the fake bolt everything fits and functions as it should. The Lonex mechbox still has way more material holding the front on than the G&G one did.

Going to install a Lonex G36 hop-up on my sones Umarex G36KV tomorrow...
Call sign: Usurper
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