Viper being there does help allot. He understands airsoft needs.
Army Issue or HERO will have surplus CDN Issue Gortex (Prospector) boots. As long as its not winder (snow or ice) they are tops in my books. I have three sets of them.
Cheap (relative to new) and practically indestructible
Really hard to get them to leak
Warm but not too warm to wear in summer
Will reshape to you foot pretty well for surplus
Don't do well at all in snow or ice unless you get the sole redone to Vibrams
On some models water can get between the sole and the upper, making them quite loud until they drain
I love them, and just wore them all weekend working at Tough Mudder. Feet were warm and dry.
Last edited by Blackthorne; May 13th, 2013 at 07:28..