Originally Posted by Stealth
The shelf? It's basically in case you need to rework the R-hop patch channel in any way. It also makes it easier to hold if you're doing some sanding. I glued some sandpaper to the inside surface to hold patches better but for the most part I haven't really needed to use it.
Like I said in the video, your first install isn't going to be amazing, but if you're lifting .25g+ then a LITTLE bit of protrusion/intrusion isn't going to break the deal.
What hop nub are you using?
Also, are you testing out with a completely full mag? I ask because sometimes your tappet plate spring isn't strong enough and upward pressure of BBs pushes the nozzle out of alignment. If so, test again with a half-loaded mag.
Its not amazing I agree. My inner radius of the r-hop is fine, its the the outsideof the patch. Its always close, but not flush, causing some over hop sometimes. I was hopping 0.3g using a MAG midcap for M4.
I was using a stock G&P tappet plate spring, so hopefully its not that. If so, I guess I should just cut the spring a coil to make it stronger. Is there a place in Toronto to get springs?
I was using a regular round nub as I was still trying out the R-hop.