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Old April 3rd, 2013, 01:31   #1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Question Need help with 'detailed' info concerning LCT AK's

For a little while I've been wanting to get a new AEG.. I've long ago noticed LCT seem to have nice original AK variants; but, unfortunately, due to my own ignorance (and the "out of stock" and very little amount of LCT's variants most stores seem to have).. I kind of brushed them off, and figured they we're either dead, or so bad no one ever bought those anymore.

Seeing most of my team seem to be fielding M4/M16 (and American-style weaponry), I've given a look into AK's. I've ALWAYS had a fondness for the all black, no-rail AK74 and the newer short variants, 104, 105, etc..

I came across this beauty:

Anyways, I've tried looking it up on youtube, and googled it.. and I've come up with zip-nothing in terms of hard detailed specs.

This is the MOST I've come up with:
..which includes your typical sellers overview.

From this seller's perspective, the guns internals seem solid.. but from their perspective, they all sound "solid". I notice they mark down the gun at 390 FPS while WGC Shop says 290-300..?? kind of a major difference there!

I've did a little more research, and understand they are a top-end brand when it comes to external build; noticed lots of LCT parts and AEG's on WGC. Parts seem plentiful, and I especially like their front-end kits option.

Thing is I can't seem to find detailed info on the internals, what type of battery would be recommended, if it's wired Tamiya/Deans, etc.. I don't want a phaser-gun, so I'd rather stick close to the real AK74's RoF.. but I also want to keep a nice crisp trigger response. Would it be safe to run a 7.4 LiPo instead of an AK stick-type? Are these typical V3 Gearboxes like any other AK use? or does LCT use proprietary parts?

I'm sorry if the answer is right under my nose, I've looked around, read a few articles here about LCT's, but nothing concrete seems to come up.

My thanks in advance!
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