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Old March 28th, 2013, 18:54   #1
AV revoked.
Join Date: Mar 2010
CASV Vltor Rail for scar

So i picked this up for ebairsoft (yes i know it actually got to me) I had to modify it a bit to make it fit.

You have to take off both side rails, and the bottom rail. I also had to cut off 1/4 inch from the bottom of the rail where it meets the mag well. And also notched out the top section of the rail for the sling mount. Finally i had to make the screw holes bigger on the bottom of the rail because the holes just didn't line up. Over all I like the look of it, if anyone else had bought one of these would love to see how you modified it to fit.

Also the sides rails do not go back on due to the fact the holes don't line up. I did find that if you have long enough screws the bottom rail will screw on to the new rail, and it doesn't look that bad, but just a standard rail would look better i think.
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