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Old March 26th, 2013, 02:10   #23
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
We've been breaking 200ft with AEG's with out Rhop for a long time... and not by over-hopping either.
-All his testing was done with .25s
-Nobody getting out to 200+ft ever uses anything lighter than a .28

And furthermore, read the whole report, this is from his closing statements;
Yes but to further your quote and to put it in proper context, the remainder states:

If a shooter has a highly-upgraded rifle, he can extend his range out to 300 feet by aiming above the target. Take for example a shooter with a 3.35 J rifle firing at a target 300 feet away. Figure VIII-12 shows the trajectory of a 3.35 J shot using 0.36g BB's. In this case, the shooter would need to aim nearly seven feet above their target. Again, the rifle would have to be very consistent, and the shooter would probably need luck on their side, but it is definitely possible. (And... a 300' shot would be highly, highly unlikely with either a 0.20g or 0.25g BB.)
3.35J is 223% of the max field limits, equating to approximately 600FPS with .20g bbs. Note his claim of consistent 225' shots is based on those parameters. (where for him 'effective range' is something like an 8" drop, where max range is what is achievable with elevation and hop).

ATP has data based on multiple BB weights and several joule ratings, all of which falls within the same general model. However, the RHOP appears to break this model achieving very long effective range (flat trajectory) with conservative joule levels, prompting HS to produce his wobble theory.

Now I'm not saying that the ATP is irrefutable by any stretch, but until I see observations submitted to the same experimental controls as the ATP we have to assume it accurate. I am not convinced flat 200'+ shots are possible without a hot gun, over hop, aiming very high, or incorrectly judged range (or any combination of these). I have personally made 200' shots but they were a result of aiming very high above the target. There are, however, several claims with R-hop to be in excess of 200' with a flat trajectory AND remaining in the ~1.5J range. I would like to see these conditions documented and confirmed, and I hope if someone sits down to collect this data they can produce some reliable results.
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Last edited by McKee; March 26th, 2013 at 02:15..
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