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Old March 5th, 2013, 19:03   #10
T-Hell's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Winnipeg Manitoba
for now I would stick to the P90 Tried tested and true.
PDR although cool has too many parts that are specific to this gun and finding them may become a costly affair.

P90 parts are easy to find.

I like the top feeding mags BUT I don't like the length of the mags. too long don't fit std pouches

the PDR has the standard M4 5.56 type mag which is universal pretty much (other then the other biggie AK 7.62 type.)

I know the P90 has an M4 mag kit you can get but that makes it look stupid and only works with High Cap mags...

Despite the Mag issue I would stay with the P90

Rhino Living
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