Every man should have a hobby/sport for comraderie, fitness, stress release, and friendship. As long as you don't go crazy, then airsoft can be quite affordable. Hockey, snowboarding, golf, etc, can all be very expensive. I think a big difference is social acceptance; airsoft can often be looked down on, where is no one would question hockey, golf, or the time and money invested. So the big question is; "who gives a shit?". Do the people closest in your life understand what airsoft truly is, have they viewed the sports growth internationally, and do they understand the exact dynamics? When explaining it to someone I tend to show videos, and break it down into its most basic concepts. Do you play safe, responsibly, and observe all the laws? If the answer is yes, then the people you know whom judge you or the sport negatively obviously need some education.
I know my wife understood the cost a lot more when she saw what exactly we did, and what I was up against on the field.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...