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Old January 26th, 2013, 04:26   #32
Derpystronk's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Southern Ontario
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
it's a class 3a 3mw IR

And some people have been shot in the eye with BBs, so you think we should stop shooting BBs at eachother? lol

Like I said, just don't be a dick with it. I don't spray 50 round bursts at people's faces, and I don't shine IR lasers all about when I don't need to. I've got it on a pressure switch so I flick it on to line up my shot for half a second and shoot. And I'm already using NVD and can see a person if I'm going to shoot at them.
It's not like I'm waiving around a continuous beam like some jackass lol

Besides, I've employed and seen employed some things that are FAR more dangerous than IR lasers at airsoft games with no complaints... At least when I was using dangerous stuff I explained the risk to everyone
You do know that the output power of that unit is enough to cause permanent eye damage within the time it takes you to say "Oh crap it's on his face" and move the laser, right? If the person on the receiving end just so happens to be looking through a magnified optic while you graze him you will be carving his retina like a turkey on Thanksgiving.

If you have had no complaints about your running of that device on the field I'm going to take a guess and say you haven't properly communicated the actual risks to the other players. Given your explanation I think it's safe to say that you haven't, as you don't seem to understand them yourself.
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