get age verified read reviews check out our local vendors, and save a lil more money, 300 is borderline to get a half decent gun, like a JG or Echo1 (whatever modle u like) i see ur leaning towards the ar family so an m4s system or a 416 or somethin along those lines will be a good starting point as they will alrdy have a rail system and such so u wont feel the need to dump extra money off the bat.
im not too familiar with the dboys/boy1 stuffs but as far as i understand some of them have nice exteriors but the internals are sub par.
read the faq's on here there are alrdy hundreds of the "ima noob wht gun should i buy" type threads and there is a good thread on choosing a first gun in the faq section (im sure its a sticky).
get yer fire retardant suit out its gonna get flamey in here real fast.