January 4th, 2013, 14:12
"bb bukakke" KING!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ottawa
Originally Posted by wind_comm
well actually, I don't even completely remove the 1st normal tooth (I call it the 2nd tooth btw) I take it down to where it clears the pickup, and if the sector gear doesn't like it, it'll just wear itself down harmlessly.
also, the 3rd tooth at 50% height generally clears for me, and if it doesn't it'll wear down harmlessly.
use polycarb in your bullet-resistant windows and hockey rink glass. until we find something better, glass-fibre reinforced nylon is where it's at.
also, Lonex reds are AMAZING, but REALLY REALLY need to be lightened. A LOT.
also, if you have the luxury of going to a local store to inspect your potential new SHS piston in person, DO IT. even if it is $20 in person rather than $8.50 from HK. they're great pistons, but have quite a few issues, so an inspection beforehand is priceless. (also you get to chill at an airsoft store for a while. usually motivation enough.)
as far as AoE correction, I generally don't even go for 12:00. after factoring sorbo compression, I shoot for flush tooth-to-tooth contact. for some pistons/sectors, it's quite a ways away from 12:00. do keep in mind that I'm a crazy idiot who has a 1/4" sorbo pad AND the stock cylinder head pad on top. still doesn't reach 12:00. =D
I can't remember if I have 1/4" or 3/16 for sorbo, but on both my p90 and g36 it's right on top of the original rubber pad on the cylinder head. So I've got way more than just the sorbo :P
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.