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Old January 4th, 2013, 11:18   #27
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Aurora/Ontario
Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
forum ate my post yesterday, but AoE correction is not about making the sector pickup meet the piston pickup at 12:00. It's about creating the situation where the two meet with as much surface area contact as possible. Your final resting place could be 12:00 but that depends on the gearbox shell and all other components as tolerances are all slightly different. Too much of an angle can drive the angled tooth of the sector into the face of the pickup that will eventually shear the back of the piston off. At least in my mind's eye.

Also I agree with wind_comm that you may need to leave more of the 2nd and 3rd teeth on while just completely removing the 1st normal tooth. You just want enough room for the sector to clear the rack. I run m110s in my guns and have not seen any sort of wear that would indicate the setup won't work.

Also you mentioned polycarb pistons in your other thread. POLYCARB IS CLEAR it's a material that's meant to take object to object impact force on a single vector. It does very poorly when you start twisting and pulling at it. It does not resist shear forces well. While the pickup tooth is a point of contact, the rest of the piston body is subjected to shear force where the pickup meets the body. It will crack or tear.

What you want is a polymide piston, this material is often mislabeled as polycarb, but CARB IS CLEAR. mide is not. That's how you tell the difference. This is just me repeating info from someone who knows the material better. I myself only use nylon fiber pistons with metal racks. Nylon fiber is reinforced with fibers much in the same way that fiberglass or carbon fiber works in principle, or in the construction world, you have rebar in concrete and fiber reinforced concrete.
This is why the lonex red pistons work so well, they are fibre reinforced and I have not stripped one yet. They are worth the investment. I have these running with 13.1 ratio gears with no modification except a Sorbo for AOE correction and even that is not at a 12 o'clock position it is still almost half way to the 1. The piston itself still looks like new very minimal wear and easily has had a full year plus of gaming on it, and for me that is a significant amount of rounds down range. In excess of 10,000 bb's at least if I count up the number of bags I bought last year.

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- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Last edited by MADDOG; January 4th, 2013 at 11:40..
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