Haha, I've done the exact same thing before without thinking.
I can't really complain about the guns I've worked on since they're mostly my own. However, in the learning process I have done some pretty bad temporary wiring that was gamed far longer than it should've been.
The worst gun I've worked on that wasn't mine was a "custom" pdw that had about 15 noticeable things wrong with it including a lack of hop-up nub...
Originally Posted by lurkingknight
when I first started converting batteries to deans, the first battery was a 9.6v nimh... I cut both the wires from the plug at the same time.
scared the crap out of me when they touched and shorted. Could not have imagined what that would've been like with a 7.4 or 11.1.... good lesson in only doing 1 wire at a time from then on.