Airsoft mechanics is great. Through, reading through some of the stuff will make most brains bleed out the ears...LOL
Excellent material from source (vs. reposted from a repost of a post). Lots of innovation on a decently regular basis. Generally accepting of whacky/off the normal path ideas. Definitely worth reading through.
When you're wrenching on stuff or fiddling a lot sites like that one or the systema PTW forum for TW stuff are great. When that itch gets tired sites like ASC are more generally usable since there's more local gear/games/events/etc.. to be had.
Some of the best builders I know hardly post a thing. Personally I rarely post anything on the projects I'm working on...and there's always 3-4 neat things on the go. I'll collect, reitterate and add in my $0.02 on some topics now and then...especially when there's conflicting information or the sources for info tend to be dispersed or if there seems to be a lot of new guys asking about the same thing/topic.
I bounce back to the "tech" sites now and then when I'm researching something or working on a project but otherwise I've kind of kicked the super build fixation.
IMO...what would be MOST useful would be if builders, who wanted to dispense information out there, started their own thread in the Gun Doc or Tech section and wrote up a detailed build, explaning what they were trying to achieve. Then followed up their post with status/fuctional periodic updates on this or that aspect of it. THAT would be valuable.