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Old November 20th, 2012, 14:16   #46
HKGhost's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mississauga, ON
If you're in need of redoing your wires or just to upgrade them, please don't attempt it if you don't know or have any knowledge how to do it. Finding shit like this is really concerning and it can cause a serious problem for the user. This gun was brought in for repairs as the client complained that the wires got really hot and smoke was coming out near the connector. The mess you see here was done by the previous owner trying to extend the wires. Not only was it not soldered together, they were taped "TOGETHER". So both exposed leads were taped together causing a short. And the fuse that was installed was pretty useless as it came after the mess. So you can see the the ends were just "hooked" together then electrical taped. If the new owner were to use a lipo and continued to try and make it work, the battery could have swelled up and release flames and smoke everywhere. So a fair warning to everyone, if you see electrical tape on your guns or battery, confirm that the connection was done correctly and that all the exposed wires are soldered and shrink tubed. Electrical tape shouldn't be a permanent fix for wires, but only to keep wires together that aren't exposed. Do it correctly or bring it to a qualified person that knows how to do it.

Please email me as I'm not on ASC too often.

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Last edited by HKGhost; November 20th, 2012 at 19:08..
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