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Old October 28th, 2012, 11:51   #1
Rusty Lugnuts
Fainting Goat, Dictator of Quinte West
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Cobourg Ontario
cyma thompson - too much hop-up

Hi I tried unsuccessfully to get a picture, no luck. The issue is that even with Bastard .30s i get too much hop up. i have ruled out the barrel being bent. Also the hop up is not broken -when you look down the dial and spin the wheel the rubber protrudes even further. The BAXX's system seems to be very much like a W hop in that it's 2 "fingers" sticking down, side by side inside the barrel to backspin the bb. Even at the minimun setting they stick down quite far.The gun shoots 373 FPS plus or minus 2, with .2s. It's the original hop up and has shot at least 10,000 rounds. I'm not sure how to get the barrel and hop up apart as there is no C clip like m4s have. Has anyone successfully sanded or trimmed this type of hop up and how did you do it, because i imagine that if you don't trim both sides the same... your shooting curve balls. Thanks in advance for your help.
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