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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:45   #59
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Somewhere between Hamilton Ontario, and Hell..
Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
I see alot of kids without eye protection on, in that video on the first page of that website

Here's an example:

I don't think mommy is going to respond with kid gloves when sonny comes back half blind.
That ain't the half of it.. the other video shows players using aviator and regular glasses (huge gaps), blind-firing galore behind cardboard shields and tall grass, no mouth protection/face protection for clearly under-aged players, crap-soft everywhere.. I'm no elitest, but it's hard to justify calling that "airsoft" when it's clearly a shit-show in the making. Time to up the game, set some standards, and ditch that leach of a game organizer. It can't get much more mediocre than what i saw on those videos.
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