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Old September 14th, 2012, 12:05   #25
TaroBear's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Markham/Toronto
I prefer the "higher end" stuff, because I'm mechanically ignorant. Everytime I buy a slightly lower end, but "good value" gun, I end up busting my ass for weeks trying to get it into gaming shape, or end up having someone else do it for me. I'm very bad at handling the guts of airsoft guns, so I prefer paying the extra bit of cash to make something perform out of the box. I've never, ever had a Marui fail on me. Despite their plastic construction, I've had one of my pistols fly out of my hand, roll down a hill, and bash against a rock. Nothing bit a small scuff on the slide. The metal generally isn't enough to convince me to buy the cheaper brands. And yes, when we compare sidearms at games, people do point out that they could buy 3 or 4 of their pistols for one of my customs. But almost no one agrees that their guns perform better. Therefore, I judge the quality of the gun on function out of the box, not the potential of the gun, unlike many of the more technologically-skilled members of this forum. Not that I wouldn't do what they're doing if I had the know-how, but I don't.
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