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Old July 24th, 2012, 11:36   #30
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Yup. That's why I like Alberta for it's airsoft scene. I'm still a BC boy at heart, but in a small town you'll see fifteen plus people show up for a weekend scrim. Mostly wearing real-steel gear, and running Systema PTWs. God Bless the right wing, elitist, industrial culture! Lol.

We still have a large family here in Alberta, but people have stopped traveling for out of province games. Everything you'd need is right here. An abundance of high end gun shops, BBs, fields, and ops. I imagine that Ontario is our counterpart in the East. But in places like BC, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba; airsoft is .....complicated. Lack of people, lack of money, lack of getting along. However; it is still growing everywhere.
Linds, I'm excited to be going back to Alberta in the next couple of months. Hopefully myself and Nach can make it out to a couple games.

Also in Vancouver at least, games are actually every weekend at different venues (Indoor CQB, Outdoor FIBUA, 2 different outdoor venues, plus Bigfoot out in Mission) with really good attendance numbers and there's a couple new venues to play at. Still I think I'd rather play with the Brooks boys even if I am outgunned cause I don't have a PTW.
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