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Old July 23rd, 2012, 22:40   #25
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Somewhere between Hamilton Ontario, and Hell..
Originally Posted by AirsoftChewy View Post
I think it's starting to attract a newer subset of individuals who aren't as boastful of their out of office leisure pursuits due to the overwhelmingly negative climate on guns in our fair country. But I say fuck that. Bring on the skirmish - this office desk warmer will be there and hang his action shots on the office walls to boot.
Ummm yeah, about that.. I work in a predominantly female, very strongly Liberal left-leaning social services environment.. when it became known that I was getting involved in this, well it sure took some talking up to convince them that A. I was neither experiencing a psychiatric crisis event nor a danger to anyone with my big-boy toys, and B. that i was merely harmlessly nuts (as i've aways been) and likely just experiencing a more severe form of mid-life crisis, and that they didn't pay me enough for the requisite convertible sports-car and golf membership/lessons.

There is a lot of new players out there, that aren't considered 'young' (chronologically, anyway).
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