Originally Posted by Knocturnal
As the title says. I cannot get age verifier due to every single verifier from or close to my region being AFK since my registration to these forums... Is there any other way of getting this done. I'm turning 24 in September.
Where in Quebec are you? It's a big province! I can imagine your having problems getting av'ed if you cant even tell us where you are
If your near Quebec city you can get AV by contacting me and/or coming to one of my games. You can also contact R3C0N1 at surpluspontrouge.com.
Forget about getting this done long distance, we need to see you in person. It's the rules for everyone since people abused in the past.
So either come and see someone or participate in a game or come and see a game

Worst case scenario take your loved one on a trip to beautifull Quebec city and get some extra credit.
Take care, 5kull