So it appears Izmash has entered into the AEG market. Although not the first time the company has tried to venture into the Airsoft market. The last time would be the yunker-5 C02 NBB rifle in 6mm. The new rifle is a Replica of a AK-74.
My own thoughts are it better be made of steel and reasonably priced as these will be mass manufactured.

From the Izmash site (translated via google)
Izhmash WILL ISSUE airsoft ARMS FALL 2012
In early July 2012 in the Design and Technology Centre NGO "Izhmash" complete design and manufacture the first prototype of the AK-74M version of airsoft, destined to play airsoft.
For fans of fighting games designer claimed today Izhmash developed electro-arms, in which a shot is provided by an engine running on battery.
Appearance, weight, shape and dimensions of the product are identical famous AK-74M. Weapon can fire single shots as well as bursts.
АК-74М в версии airsoft
Technical rate - 800 rounds per minute. Forged barrel caliber 6.03 mm manufactured using technologies similar to those for which the samples are fighting AK, and provides high accuracy of the results. Just shoot an AK-74M airsoft version of the classic no ammunition, and balls with a diameter of 6 mm.
Ижмаша разработал электропневматическое оружие
The initial rate of approximately 135 m / s, but may vary depending on the weight of the bullet is fired, and firing power plant. Tests of the first sample of the AK-74M airsoft versions, have already taken place. When firing from a distance of 50 meters diameter bullets scatter did not exceed 30 cm, for airguns shot with low energy (less than 7.5 kJ) is more than worthy exponent.
Among the other advantages of electro-weapons designer noted morozoustoy-bility, ease of loading, repeating, ease of use and safety, as well as
durability and lack of restrictions on its distribution.
As the technology version of airsoft are very similar to the production of military AK-74M, the plant plans to enter the mass production of this product in September 2012.
According to experts, the demand for the product will grow in proportion to the popularity of airsoft games, which is constantly gaining momentum (now officially registered 40,000 players in airsoft, and most of them have a few weapons for the game). Also, the AK-74M will be in demand for recreational shooting, and basic military training of youth in the DOSAAF.