Originally Posted by SHaKaL
I'm wondering if it's because the '' loading prong'' is hitting the back of the mag part that hold the bb when reloading? Maybe the solution would be to cut it in a ''v'' shape?
Did that to one of my mag, will test it at my next game.

I think that you might have found the issue...
I examined all my GBBR mags, and all of them have some marks right there, most probably from the nozzle.
I bought my M4 mags used and my G36 mags have seen a few hundred BBs each.
I broke 2 nozzles on my SCAR and 1 on my G36 (since I have it, but left over parts I got with the gun suggest 4-5 nozzle breaks before).
Did you game it to see the difference?
I think I will at leas round the corner there to help alleviate the issue.
I also broke the "inner" edge of my SCAR bolt in a jam... The little lip going around the nozzle to simulate the real shape of the bolt seems to cause more trouble than anything. I got a BB jam between it and the nozzle, it bent the bolt and jammed the whole thing in the gun... I have cut out the left side completely (it's not visible anyways, and I never got a jam on the right side/ejection port side). Not a jam since then. Hard to describe, but I basically cut the red section and filed the top edge of the cut round (to prevent any jam).