Originally Posted by TheDuShen
The very small pin (H51 - 60) (on a TM Hi-Capa 5.1) to hold the Trigger and the Trigger ring together - what do you use as a replacement to the original one?
Either another OEM one, or an aftermarket pin. Many aftermarket triggers and stirrups come with them. ILLusion Kinetics triggers used to come with them, but not anymore. I have OEM replacements available, if you need.
Originally Posted by TheDuShen
I've got another question,
How do you keep the circled piece stuck in there? I tried hammering it in but as hard as I hammer it, it doesnt seem to stay in place.
It should friction fit in place, but on rare occasion, the hole is machined a tiny bit too small or too large by just a fraction of a millimeter, causing it to not be able to take the pin nor hold it in place.
If it's a loose fit you're having, you can try crushing that part of the pin just slightly to cause it to deform ever so slightly. It should hold in place then. Just don't deform it too much, or it will be difficult to go in.
Alternatively, you could just not use the pin - its purpose is to allow for the half-cock safety feature. Many users don't use that pin at all so that they can manually decock the hammer. Just make sure you don't decock with the magazine inserted, or you may find a metal slide slamming in to your thumb at full blowback speed.