Originally Posted by AirsoftChewy
I'm now wondering if the pistons in my mech boxes are plastic or what not. I would really prefer aluminum or the like as they should be much more resilient to the stresses put on them.
Another thing I've been wondering about is what they are lubed with, and how often they should have regular maintenance and what that maintenance is.
Polycarb is better than aluminum for your stuff.
btw, You said you know everything already..
Originally Posted by AirsoftChewy
I've already learned how to swap springs, change hop ups and barrels, modify the guns in general and proper care.
I really recommend you to research as much as you can about AEGs, internals, operation etc. There is tonnes of material on this forums and elsewhere on the interwebs. Watch mechbox disassembly videos, read about parts.. Will definitely save you lot of time asking simple questions here and then waiting for somebody to reply.