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Old May 25th, 2012, 23:41   #15
N_Force's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario
MP5 mag fix 3

if your mag leak from top, unscrew the gas release valve.

I used blue glue to fill the space and wait for 12 hours before put the o-ring back in place. that filling could extend the depth and push the o-ring farward and fill the exceeding space for better sealing.

compare the bottom one is filled with blue glue.

for better result, soak all o-ring in grenade oil for 12 hours.

*if your leak coming from bottom of the mag, that would be more complicated. you mag have to dissembly part#45 to part#51 for fixing. part#51 intake valve and part#47 extend charging tube both are CW to support the part#49 mag base packing for maxium seal. that means when you try to tighten the intake valve, at the same time you may un-tighten the extend charging tube, then you may never get it seal properly.

IMO, if they can design parts #47 in -CCW and part #51 in CW, the would make the perfect seal when tighten the in-take valve only.

** if your part#43 inner mag tank support for bb loading spring fall apart. be careful when you take out part#40 mag ceiling plate from the top of the mag, just gentle to avoid too much bend or damage.
aka Uncle

Last edited by N_Force; May 27th, 2012 at 20:18..
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