Hi guys, I've recently upgraded my 416 from closed to open, and I'm having some issues.
I'd *thought* the upgrade kit I bought had the tabs on it (as per Eeyores post), but sadly I was mistaken. I've tried to make some up to pull the hop unit forwards, though since the mag feed lips are still hitting the hop, I suspect its not far enough forwards. When I'm firing, about half the shots are dribbling out the barrel, and half are flying well out (though over hopped).
What I'm thinking is that the unit is too far back, and some rounds are getting pushed past the hop rubber. Assuming I make up some some better tabs to move everything forward, does it seem like it would work? I could shave the front of the nozzle etc, but with the mag lips still hitting the hop (and getting slightly damaged), I'm figuring this is a better fix.
Edit: Just taken it apart to test moving the whole hop unit forwards, and I see that the bolt will of course follow it deeper. I guess I'll redo the tabs to clear the mag lips, and shave the nozzle slightly.
Canadian living in NZ.
Last edited by Aurelien; May 20th, 2012 at 00:16..