Recently Here at LZ Ottawa we have added several Sea Cans to one of our areas of the field.
This has presented a rather interesting problem that I would like to present to the community at large and see how you guys would deal with it.
We are having problems of people trying to clear the cans by entering and blasting away...We understand the heat of the moment takes over and some people seem to lose their minds and forget basic safety rules.
We need a set of rules that people can safely use but is practical for the game.
We are tossing around the idea of using Thunder B Sound devices...but this is an added cost to the players. We like this idea for it's safety and practicality and will probably use it as an option available to the players...
But we need a few more.
Pistols only in the sea cans?
Semi Only.on stock guns (350fps)
What do you think?
Each sea can has a dividing wall inside. Also each window can be closed by game staff..