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Old April 27th, 2012, 21:28   #1
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Lightbulb Need Advice on KWA KM4A1 -reliability, compatibility, quality etc.

Hi all, I'm totally new to airsoft, and looking to pickup my first AEG. I have my eyes on the KWA KM4A1, but wanted to get some advice from this forum on the following if I went with this aeg:

1) Is this a high quality, high reliability gun in stock condition for gaming (my 2nd choice would be the G&P Cdn Carbine)
2) Are the internals and magazine compatible with TM, or can be easily found at low/reasonable cost (this is my biggest concern, as I've heard that the internals are proprietary)
3) How customizable is the gun, if I want to add rails, scope, RIS etc down the road

*Read the battery sticky - i think a 7.4v lipo should work well*
On a separate note: is there a newbies guide on picking the right battery for an aeg? The various voltage, and lipo/nimh etc... is a bit overwhelming.

Look forward to hearing some good advice. Thanks!

Last edited by ao_tenshi; April 28th, 2012 at 00:00..
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