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Old April 26th, 2012, 16:35   #3
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Guelph, ON
Someone tested it using some fancy equipment. Their results can be found here.

In single shot mode, the motor has to rev up to speed which draws a
peak current of 47.5 amps. That levels out to 24 amps at about 40mS
into the firing cycle. The battery voltage drops from an initial 9.76 volts
to a low of 6.64 volt and averages out at 7.21 volts and returns to 8.64
volts after the cycle. The gun consumes 0.728mAh of battery capacity
per shot at an efficiency of 5.93%.
In continuous firing (13.06 RPS), the current averages 13.61 amps
after 250mS. The battery voltage averages 7.94 volts. At 13.06 RPS
the gun is consuming 108.1 watts of power at and efficiency of
13.52%. The battery drain rate is 3.78mAh every second or
0.289mAh per shot..
A heavy spring and bad shimming and wiring will increase the amount of power drawn from the battery further, lighter springs with good shimming and wiring will decrease it.

Last edited by Jaelommiss; April 26th, 2012 at 21:51..
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