Originally Posted by jordan7831
It could be worse we could be golfing (nothing wrong with golf BTW) and spending thousands on some nice long pieces of metal. Golf can be considered a waste of money too. My uncle bought a 600 dollar driver last week, and those are only the mid range ones. Its just a piece of metal with a very specific purpose.
Ditto. I have a nice set of clubs, but I realized very quickly that I can make better and more accurate shots with 6mm bb's than golf balls (hehe), and have twice the amount of fun outdoors shooting my buddies. (Although I did hit a buddy with a golf ball once, he wasn't too happy about that).
Also, the people I've met airsofting are far more interesting than the wankers on the golf course. My golf clubs now sit in storage, airsoft guns getting far more usage per year.
Anyway, I digress. Back on topic.
Another pet peeve: Guns that spend more time on the workbench then on the field. I loathe unreliability in ANYTHING.