Oh damn. I've been misinformed then. You see, With every KWA pistol I've bought ( 3 by now ) I've received a little flask of 100% silicone oil. Tamiya shock oil is also 100% silicone oil. KWA has a few youtube vids about maintenance on GBB using... well... thats silicone oil

. Let me link it for you and give me your thoughts please. I've really just done as instructed

As for the degreaser, you might be right. I use Dreft ( quite powerfull ) but find no real residue afterward, but I just might not have noticed it. I do rinse quite good afterwards, but no matter.
As for the CO2 usage, I think it's not ideal as the tolerance of the parts in this GBB are quite wide. So much pressure ( force ) and loose tolerance gives wear afaik. But I'll try giving it a good lubrication non the less

I might sound defensive, but that rather starting a discussion on possible faults than denying your advice and insisting I do everything correct

. If the gods bless the next day with good sunlight I'll get me some pictures what wear I actually mean. Be warned, they're cellphone pictures as the money goes to airsoft

The links:
GBB Maintenance Part I - The Basics - YouTube
GBB Maintenance Part II Deux - YouTube
So again, your thoughts?