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Old January 30th, 2012, 13:52   #13
a.k.a. Palucol
Gunny_McSmith's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: MTL
Have you ever used paintball lube for gearboxes?

I'm talking about Dow33 type of lubes, (I have a jar of HaterSauce green lube, and its feels like it could be use with gearboxes, since it doesnt freeze, and is great for lubing seals and metal on metal...but couldnt find any info for that application....)

Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
I'd predict that you're looking around $50-60 maybe a bit more for just a straight up installation (you supply parts).

If you're able to, ask if you can bring a 6 pack and pizza and ask the gundoc to show you how to install it. That way you get it installed "professionally" (hopefully) and you can also learn a bit about your gun and how to do work on it in the future (and/or troubleshoot things). A few things you might want to learn about while you're in there are;

- compression (how to check it, and how to change out compression parts (this is dead simple if you remember anything from high school physics) and lube it properly with "air seal" grease and whatever)
- spring changes
- shimming
- gear regrease (one of my secrets is to use something like Finishline Teflon dry lube, it's much better than the crappy white lithium that cakes up and eventually gets "gunky", and also since it sticks on "dry" it doesn't attract as much particulate matter like dust and sand which can gunk up gears (really helpful if you play in sandpits and really dry areas or whatever)).
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