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Old January 21st, 2012, 09:05   #10
formerly Medix
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Medicine Hat
Apologies for the necro, but I am currently looking at picking one of these up for work as well. I've come across quite a few people from other units that say this is an excellent piece of kit. Only issue Im running into is that no one I know has one of these in my size to see which fits me. Also, there are no stores which sell these anywhere near me, and I've found a store in the states selling it for $118 so I'd like to pick one up if possible. I've googled and found that my chest would fit an XL, but the length it has stated would run down past my ass, and the sleeves well past my finger tips. Im by no means a short guy at 6'5 220lbs so this sizing seems really odd. Any idea if they are supposed to fit this way? The Arc'teryx Atom LT has great reviews as well and looks like a slimmer fit, but I'd prefer if it came in green to keep my non-issue kit less apparent.
Any help would be appreciated
My only worry about death is that my fiancé will sell my gear for what I SAID I paid for it.....
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